Sunday, June 7, 2009

Don't be frugal with everything

As I was working on my Sunday School lesson, I was reminded that we should not be frugal with everything in our lives. Some things are given to us in abundance and we are supposed to pass it on to others around us. The first thing is forgiveness. God, through his son Jesus, gives us unlimited forgiveness. If we have accepted Jesus as Savior, He will forgive our sins. We only have to ask. There is no work to do to earn that forgiveness, no process or class we have to go through. After we have received that forgiveness we are supposed to forgive those around us, but sometimes we get stingy with that forgiveness. We look down on the person who may be struggling with an area of sin in their life or we judge another person for their speach or actions. The Bible tells us that we are to forgive the way we are forgiven, without limit and without restrictions.
The other thing we should never be frugal with is our love. God loves everyone so much He gave his son Jesus over to a horrible death so that He could have fellowship with us. As Christians we receive that love and God loves others through us, as long as we don't get in the way. The Bible tells us to love our enemies, but I want to remind you to love those closest to you. There are many hurting people in this world and many are children. Maybe your child. Or maybe your parents. They need your love. Tell them, show them. If you don't personally know God's love, then please search out His love. This is a link to the Southern Baptist Convention - . Many denominations have information on the web if you prefer another one. Don't be frugal with His forgiveness and His love.

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